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Oh! We’re Little Gardeners Coloring Book

Based on the book, Oh! We’re little gardeners, by Mary William and Debra A. Harkins. Oh! We’re little gardeners Coloring Book is a 25 coloring pages to help children learn about plants and gardening.

★★ Coloring and games to help children learn about plants and gardening ★★ 

All proceeds of this book are donated to, a nonprofit that seeks to empower children and their families experiencing homelessness and food insecurity through gardening, cooking and healthy eating. CEEDS4Change (Community Empowerment Through Education, Development, and Service for change) was founded by social worker. Mary M. William. Ms. William worked in Boston Public Schools for more than 20 years serving as district coordinator for more than 4,000 students experiencing homelessness and food insecurity and provides the expertise and experience to ensure that resources reaches families-in-need. .

Oh! We’re little gardeners coloring book uses money raised from books like Oh! We’re little gardeners coloring book to create partnerships between schools, businesses, and higher education. Through these collaborations this nonprofit can

  • address food insecurity within local communities
  • provide urban and school garden space
  • develop health and wellness programs
  • provide environmental friendly school curriculum

The idea for Oh! We’re little gardeners coloring book grew from a summer program that provided 25 students access to a garden and fostered learning through gardening. By purchasing this coloring book CEEDS4Change can expand summer urban gardening programs at local schools. In addition, they will be able to introduce more young children to hands on gardening. As a result, students-in-need will learn to garden, plant, harvest, read, cook, and attend local urban farms.

Price: $9.99

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