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Books and Publications

Selected Publications by Topic

Strategic Planning

Selected Publications

  • Austin, M. & Harkins, DA 2008. Assessing Change: Can Organization Learning Work for Schools? The Learning Organization, 15(2),105-128.
  • Harkins, DA, Ray, S. & Davis, T (2010) Diversity consulting and teaching from a social justice perspective. Tamara Journal of Organizational Inquiry, 8(4).
  • Ronayne, M., Harkins, DA., Austin, M., & Scharicz, C. 2010. Power and empowerment in a non-profit organization. American Journal of Psychological Research, 1(6), 58-88

Selected Book Chapters

  • Harkins, DA (2013). Framing the issue: Integrating teaching, research and service. In DA Harkins (Ed.) Beyond the Campus: Building a sustainable university-community partnership. NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Harkins, DA (2013). Method: Community-based action research. In DA Harkins (Ed.) Beyond the Campus: Building a sustainable university-community partnership. NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Harkins, DA (2013). Partnership: What sustainability looks like. In DA Harkins (Ed.) Beyond the Campus: Building a sustainable university-community partnership. NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Sharicz, C., Hastings, S. & Harkins, DA (2017). Navigating educational systems. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
Leadership Development

Selected Publications

  • Arcaro-McPhee, R., Doppler, E., & Harkins, DA. 2002.Conflict Resolution in a Preschool Classroom: Case Study Negotiation. Research in Childhood Education, 17(1): 19-25.
  • Austin, M & Harkins, DA. (2008). Shifting spaces and emerging voices: Participation, support and conflict in one school administrative team. Early Education and Development, 19(6): 907-940.
  • Bussu, A., Veloria, C.N., & Boyes-Watson, C. (2018). Study Circles: Promoting a restorative student Community. Pedagogy and The Human Sciences Journal, 6(1), 1-20.
  • Doppler, E. Harkins, DA. & Mehta, C. 2008. Emerging empowerment: Conflict resolution, intervention and preschool teachers’ report of conflict behavior. Early Education and Development, 19(6): 895-906.
  • Harkins, DA & Doppler-Bourassa, E. (2008). Introduction to special issue: Conflict resolution. Early Education and Development, 19(6),841-842.
  • Koepke, M. & Harkins, DA 2008. Conflict in the classroom: Gender differences in the teacher-child relationship. Early Education and Development, 19(6): 843-864.
  • Silver, C. Harkins, DA 2008. Connections between labeling, affect and teacher’s differential approaches to conflict resolution: An exploratory study. Early Education and Development, 18(4), 625-645.
  • Veloria, C.N. (2016). Dusting-off multiple selves: Reflections and recollections from the field. Opportunity matters Journal of Access and Opportunity in Education 2(1), 17-27.
  • Veloria, C.N. & Boyes-Watson, C. (2014). Learning in circles: The Power of humanizing practice. The Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice 1(6).

Selected Book Chapters

  • Harkins, DA (2017). Now what? In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Harkins, DA & Veloria, C. (2017). Intervening to create social change. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Harkins, DA., Bourassso, E. & Ray, S. (2013). Resolving the conflict: Taking down the walls. In DA Harkins (Ed.) Beyond the Campus: Building a sustainable university-community partnership. NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Veloria, C.N., & Peña-Talamantes, A. (2017). Reflecting on Helping. In Harkins, D. (Eds.), Alongside Community: Learning in Service. New York: Routledge.
Program Development

Selected Publications

  • Blustein, D. L., Medvide, M. B., & Kozan, S. (2012). A tour of a new paradigm: Relationships and work. The Counseling Psychologist, 40, 243-254.
  • Blustein, D. L., Medvide, M. B., & Wan, C. M. (2012). A critical perspective on contemporary unemployment policy and practices. Journal of Career Development, 39, 341-356.
  • Harkins, DA & Wells, Y (2009). Critical and discursive teaching in psychology. Pedagogy and the Human Sciences, 1(1), 39-49.
  • Harkins, DA.  Grenier, LI., Robinson, E., Irizarry, C., Ray, S. & Shea, L. (2020). Building relationships for critical service-learning. Michigan Journal of Community and Service Learning. 26(2)
  • Harkins, DA. Kozak, KJ., & Ray, S. (2018). Service-learning: A Case study in student outcomes. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
  • Kenny, M. E., Medvide, M. B., Minor, K. M., Walsh-Blair, L. Y., Bemphechat, J., Seltzer, J., & Blustein, D. L. (2015). A qualitative inquiry of the roles, responsibilities, and relationships within work-based learning supervision. Journal of Career Development, 42, 117-132.
  • Koepke, M. Harkins, DA. & Fischer, K. (2013). Maintaining the mental model: An Exploratory study of dialogic processes on good teaching practice. Journal of Pedagogy and Human Sciences.
  • Medvide, M. B. & Blustein, D. L. (2010). Exploring the educational and career plans of urban minority students in a dual enrollment program. Journal of Career Development, 37, 541-558
  • Pica-Smith, C., & Veloria, C.N. (2012). “At risk means a minority kid:” Deconstructing deficit discourses in the study of risk in education and human services. Pedagogy and The Human Sciences Journal, 2(1), 33-48
  • Robinson, E. & Harkins, DA. (2018). Lessons learned from service-learning mentoring. Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education. 10(3): 1-9.
  • Shea, L, Grenier, LI. & Harkins, DA. (2022) “The Power of proximity: Navigating physical and psychological connection in service-learning courses throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. 28(2). doi:
  • Shea, LM, Harkins, D., Ray, S., & Grenier, LI. (2022). “How critical is service-learning implementation?” Journal of Experiential Education, 0(0).
  • Veloria, C.N. (2014). Attending to mall talk in the classroom: An Issue of answerability/responsibility for the common good. (2014). Pedagogy and The Human Sciences Journal, 1(4), 51-60.
  • Wells, Y. & Harkins, DA (2009) Teaching the diversity course in conservative times. Journal of Pedagogy and Human Sciences, 1(1), 60-73.
  • William, C. Veloria, C. & Harkins, DA. (2022). “Building resilient higher education communities: Lessons learned from pandemic teaching.” Pedagogy and the Human Sciences, 8(1) Article 3.
  • Wiltz, F. Veloria, C. Harkins, DA. & Bernasconi, AM. (2016). We’re in this together; Exploring challenges related to service-learning. Journal of Modern Education Review, 6(5): 8-21.

Selected Book Chapters

  • Franklin, A. J., & Medvide, M. B. (2013). Psychotherapy and the integration of the psychology of working into therapeutic practices. In D. L. Blustein (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of the psychology of working (pp. 252-270). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Friedman, S. & Harkins, DA (2017) Researching to promote empowerment. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Harkins, DA (2017). Evaluating impact. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
DEI & Resilience

Selected Publications

  • Austin, M., Harkins, DA., & Ronayne, M. (2010). Challenging the balancing act: Women, postmodernism and the demand to “have it all”. American Journal of Psychological Research, 6(1), 103-133
  • Garcia, J. & Harkins, DA. (2014). Brief report on service-learning and diversity acceptance. Journal of Pedagogy and Human Science: Special Issue on service learning, 4(Special Issue), 1-11.
  • Grenier, LI, Robinson, E. & Harkins, DA. (2020) Service-Learning in the COVID-19 Era: Learning in the Midst of Crisis.  Special Issue of Teaching during COVID in Journal of Pedagogy and Human Science.
  • Jefferson, D. & Harkins, DA. (2011). “Hey, I Got a Voice Too!” Narratives of adversity, Growth and Empowerment. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 3(2), 104-128.
  • Jefferson, D. & Harkins, DA. (2010). Expose of the emperor: Illusion of reverse discrimination. Journal of Unabridged Genius, 2(1), 9-22.
  • Mizock, L. & Harkins, DA. (2009). Relationship of research attitudes, racial identity and cultural mistrust. American Journal of Psychological Research, 1(5), 31-51
  • Mizock, L. & Harkins, DA. (2011). Diagnostic bias and conduct disorder: Improving culturally sensitive diagnostic considerations. Child and Youth services, 32(2), 243-253.
  • Mizock, L. & Harkins, DA. 2007. Barriers to culturally competent research: Institutional and individual variables. The Community Psychologist, 40(4), 13-17.
  • Mizock, L. Harkins, DA. & Morant, R. (2011). Researcher interjecting in qualitative race research. Forum in Qualitative Social Research, 12(2), Article 13.
  • Mizock, L. Harkins, DA. Ray, S. & Morant, R. (2011). Researcher race in narrative interviews on traumatic racism. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 20(1), 39-56.
  • Veloria, C.N. (2015). “Maybe this is Because of Society?” Disrupting and engaging discourses of race and other social constructs in the context of a service-learning project. Humanity & Society 2(39), 1-21.
  • Veloria, C.N., Robinson, E., & McMickens, T.L. (2014). Searching for heroes: A Critical examination of student responses following mandatory social justice training workshops. Journal of Critical Thought & Praxis, 2(2), Article 7.

Selected Book Chapters

  • Harkins, DA (2017). Understanding complexities of helping and serving. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Harkins, DA & Ray, S. (2017). Exploring values, power and social identity. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Harkins, DA. (2017). Serving as change agents. In DA. Harkins (Ed) Alongside Community: Learning in service. NY: Routledge.
  • Kenny, M. E., & Medvide, M. B. (2012). Prevention in the pursuit of social justice. In E. Vera (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of prevention in counseling psychology (pp. 125-140). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.